Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Is Coming!

This is by far my favorite holliday of the year! I love all the children and there costumes. It's so cute. We have Halloween almost planned out but, still looking for things to do.

Are plans:
  1. Go to St. Theresa in Madrona for the Halloween preschool event.
  2. Go to Southcenter mall for the trick or treating.
  3. Head back to either Queen Anne, Kent, or Madrona.

Job Interview! Horray!

I finished my enrollment at college and just need to go back and take the Compass test. I am still trying to figure out what I want to major in. I am clueless and do not have much help. I am thinking the healthcare area as I love to help people.

Also I have a job interview with USPS tomorrow and I am hoping that goes well. It would be nice to have a government job. Just getting my foot through the door for when I am done with college would be an A+ in my book.